17 January 2009

and on and on...

Wednesday: My first doctor's appointment that lasts a thilling 2 hours. Lots of poking and prodding. I got three shots: TB test, polio vaccine and tetanus vaccine.

Thursday: First dentist appointment. My teeth are pretty awesome for not having been to the dentist in 2 or 3 years. Unfortunately, my occasional soda habit has caught up to me and I have three cavities. One of them is under the filling I've already had put in twice.

Friday: My second dentist appointment. I get 2 out of 3 fillings done, including the one I have to have redone. That one may turn into a root canal. Ugh, I hope not. Having a totally numb lower mouth is fun. I keep trying to whistle but I can't.

Saturday: Go back to the clinic to get my TB test read. My nurse turns out to be an RPCV from the Solomon Islands, Rural Education and Development. Awesome.

On Monday I have to go get blood drawn and sent off. I get my last filling and potentially a root canal on Feb 12. Hopefully after that I will have everything in the mail!! So I can wait 3 months more... :)

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