07 August 2009

I AM GOING TO CAMEROON!!!!!!! As an Agroforestry Extension Agent!!!!!

I leave for staging in 5 weeks and 6 days! Wild! I have so much to read right now, then so much paperwork to do. And there is so much excitement!!!!!

Where is Cameroon you ask? It's in Africa! Here it is on this map!

Here is another map of Cameroon! With all 10 provinces! Most of the Agro posts are in the Adamaoua, Northwest and West regions!

Okay! I am going to go read my Welcome Book now and make a grand to-do list!

1 comment:

green coyote said...

Congratulations on your exciting news! How would I know it's exciting? Because I read every entry in your blog, and you told us thousands of times, day after day, for about a century that you were in 7th heaven about getting into the PC!

The best thing about your blog (besides being a good excuse to hear what's going on for you and getting in touch) was the spleen commentary. It's not very often that I laugh out loud while reading something. So the next time you go to write in your blog about how thrilled you are to be joining the PC and heading to Cameroon, instead just give us a spleen update. Two spleens and a lawyer walked into a bar and ordered drinks. The lawyer ordered a Bloody Mary. The first spleen asked the bartender, Hey, could I have a Screwdriver? And the bartender replied, Why? You feelin' a little loose? Okay, Zara, you take it from there.

The worst thing about your blog is that you didn't include the rap motivation essay. Don't hold out on us!

And sure, being strictly accurate on the Romantic Involvement Report was prudent application methodology, but for your blog, surely you could have tossed us a few spleens! You know, have fun with it. Describe your romantic involvement with a chipmunk who is rather dependent on you emotionally. Or with an old folks home for homeless people that you've volunteered at. Something to keep us coming back, never knowing what to expect.

You could have also thrown in that you hope the Peace Corps doesn't get wind of your arrest for speaking French while your mouth was numbed from your second dentist appointment, and a crowd of eager young men gathered around you, blocking traffic, while offering to help you find your way around the US while visiting from Paris.

Anyway, keep up the blogging. Will you be able to blog from Cameroon while getting paid the local average pay of 2 plantains, 60 peanuts, and a cup of millet a month? (Maybe you can supplement your income by starting a rap club.) If not, just send mail to someone and have them post it to your blog for you. This is our opportunity to learn a lot more about a country we will probably never visit if we don't do it while you're there to guide us.