Another day, another day, another day, another day.
Schedule for the past 4 days. Find some distraction until 4-ish. Anticipate getting invitation in mail. Envision holding a big fat envelope containing my glorious future. Build hopes into towering Jenga tower (more 1 piece layers than 2, it's very tall). Go to post office to check mail. Nothing. Go to housing office to check for non-USPS mail. Nothing.
Look forward to sleeping because it brings the next day closer. Pout, as though that will cause my invitation to travel faster. Act cranky and antisocial. Have friends congratulate and ask about destination and departure date. Thank them and inform them of lack of knowledge.
Blog dramatically.
I know that I should be thrilled right now that I have been invited. It is thrilling! It is what I have been looking forward to for so long! But I just get my hopes up so high everyday only to have them Jenga-smashed. It is, to use a simile and run-on sentence, like I have been flirting with a boy I am head over heels for for a year and he is finally in town and he has told me he will call and every day he does not call. Why does he not call?